Succeed in creating a business thanks to Agefiph

aide à la création d’entreprise agefiph

Succeeding in starting a business with the help of Agefiph

Agefiph, the Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of People with Disabilities, plays a crucial role in supporting people with disabilities who want to start their own business. Indeed, starting one’s own business can be a real challenge for these individuals, but Agefiph provides them with resources and financial assistance to help them succeed in their project.

Agefiph’s assistance for disabled entrepreneurs

Agefiph offers several types of assistance to entrepreneurs with disabilities to support them in the creation and development of their business. Among these aids, we find:

  • Assistance in project development: Agefiph can finance support services to help the entrepreneur build and formalize their business project.
  • Assistance in business creation: Agefiph can provide financial aid to cover expenses related to the creation of the business, such as incorporation, registration, or communication costs.
  • Assistance in launching the business: once the business is created, Agefiph can provide financial support to help the entrepreneur start their activity and deal with initial investments.

These aids are essential to allow disabled entrepreneurs to realize their project and embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship with peace of mind.

Agefiph’s support services

In addition to financial assistance, Agefiph also offers support services to help entrepreneurs with disabilities succeed in their business creation. Among these services, we can mention:

  • Personalized support: Agefiph provides specialized advisors to accompany disabled entrepreneurs throughout their business project, from the design phase to the development phase.
  • Training and workshops: Agefiph regularly organizes thematic training sessions and workshops to help entrepreneurs with disabilities develop their skills and acquire the necessary tools for managing a business.
  • A network of partners: Agefiph collaborates with a network of partners (training organizations, accountants, etc.) to offer disabled entrepreneurs complete and tailored support according to their needs.

These support services are a real asset for entrepreneurs with disabilities who want to start their own business and succeed in their project.

Testimonials from entrepreneurs supported by Agefiph

Many entrepreneurs with disabilities have benefited from Agefiph’s support to successfully create and develop their businesses. Among these entrepreneurs, we can mention the testimonial of Jeanne, founder of a home care services business:

“Thanks to the support and assistance from Agefiph, I was able to realize my business project and embark on the entrepreneurship adventure with confidence. Agefiph’s advisors provided me with valuable support throughout my journey and helped me overcome the obstacles related to my disability. Today, my business is growing rapidly, and I am proud of what I have accomplished.”

This testimonial perfectly illustrates the importance of the support provided by Agefiph to entrepreneurs with disabilities to help them succeed in their business project.


What are the criteria to benefit from Agefiph’s assistance for starting a business?

To benefit from Agefiph’s assistance for starting a business, one must have a disability and a viable and realistic entrepreneurial project. It is also necessary to meet certain eligibility conditions depending on the type of assistance requested.

How to apply for Agefiph’s assistance for starting a business?

To apply for Agefiph’s assistance for starting a business, you must contact an association advisor and present your project. The advisor can then guide you towards the aids and services adapted to your needs and help you through the necessary steps.

What are the benefits of being supported by Agefiph in starting a business?

Being supported by Agefiph in starting a business has many benefits, including financial support, personalized assistance, and a network of partners. Thanks to Agefiph, entrepreneurs with disabilities can benefit from comprehensive support to succeed in their business project.

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