Entrepreneurship and disability: customized support with AGEFIPH

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Entrepreneurship and disability: tailored support with AGEFIPH

Entrepreneurship is often perceived as a risky adventure with many obstacles. For people with disabilities, starting a business may seem even more complicated. However, thanks to the support of AGEFIPH, the Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of Disabled People, many disabled people have been able to realize their dream and become entrepreneurs.

Tailored support

AGEFIPH offers personalized support to entrepreneurs with disabilities. Whether it is to create a business, develop it, or ensure its sustainability, the association provides tools and devices adapted to the specific needs of each entrepreneur.

With specialized counselors, entrepreneurs with disabilities can benefit from individualized follow-up to help them overcome obstacles related to their disability. Trainings, financial support, and legal advice are also available to facilitate the journey of disabled entrepreneurs.

In addition to this personalized support, AGEFIPH also raises awareness among companies about hiring people with disabilities. Through communication and awareness actions, the association works for the inclusion of disabled people in the workforce.

Inspiring success stories

Thanks to AGEFIPH’s support, many entrepreneurs with disabilities have been able to realize their entrepreneurial project. Inspiring success stories demonstrate the ability of people with disabilities to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship.

Among these success stories, we can mention the example of Paul, a wheelchair-bound entrepreneur who created his own communication consulting business. With AGEFIPH’s support, Paul was able to receive financial support for the development of his business and personalized follow-up to overcome obstacles related to his disability.

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What support services does AGEFIPH offer for disabled entrepreneurs?

AGEFIPH offers personalized support including advice, training, financial assistance, and individualized follow-up for entrepreneurs with disabilities.

How does AGEFIPH raise awareness among companies about hiring people with disabilities?

AGEFIPH carries out communication and awareness actions to encourage companies to hire people with disabilities.

What inspiring success stories of entrepreneurs with disabilities supported by AGEFIPH?

Entrepreneurs with disabilities have been able to realize their entrepreneurial projects thanks to AGEFIPH’s support, such as the example of Paul, a wheelchair-bound entrepreneur.

In conclusion, entrepreneurship and disability are not incompatible. Thanks to the tailored support provided by AGEFIPH, many entrepreneurs with disabilities have been able to achieve their dream of entrepreneurship. The inclusion of disabled people in the world of entrepreneurship is a reality thanks to the commitment of the association.

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