Creating your own business with the support of Agefiph: a stepping stone to success.

aide à la création d’entreprise agefiph

Create your business with the support of Agefiph: a springboard to success

Nowadays, more and more people with disabilities are embarking on the adventure of entrepreneurship. To support them in this process, Agefiph (Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of People with Disabilities) offers essential financial and human support to help them succeed in their project. Focus on this opportunity offered to entrepreneurs with disabilities.

What is Agefiph?

Agefiph is an organization whose mission is to promote the professional integration of people with disabilities. Created in 1987, Agefiph provides financial and technical assistance to companies that hire disabled workers. But the association goes further by also supporting entrepreneurs with disabilities who want to create their own business.

The benefits of creating your business with the support of Agefiph

Starting a business is already a challenge in itself, but doing so with a disability can present additional obstacles. That’s why Agefiph’s support is invaluable for these entrepreneurs. Here are the key benefits of receiving their support:

  • Financial assistance: Agefiph offers financial aid for the launch of the business, the purchase of adapted equipment, and the adaptation of premises for people with disabilities.
  • Personalized support: Entrepreneurs receive personalized assistance from specialized advisors, who help them build their project and overcome obstacles.
  • Training and awareness: Agefiph offers specific training for entrepreneurs with disabilities, as well as awareness actions to help them better integrate into the world of entrepreneurship.

How to benefit from Agefiph’s support to create your business?

To benefit from Agefiph’s support for the creation of your business, you just need to meet a few conditions. First, it is necessary to be recognized as a disabled worker by the Departmental House for Disabled Persons (MDPH). Then, you must submit an application for assistance to Agefiph, explaining your project and specifying your needs.

Once your application is accepted, you will be supported in all stages of creating your business. Specialized advisors will help you establish a business plan, find financing, and provide training if necessary. You will thus have all the necessary support to successfully carry out your entrepreneurial project.


What types of financial assistance does Agefiph offer for creating a business?

Agefiph offers assistance for the launching of the business, the purchase of adapted equipment, and the adaptation of premises for people with disabilities.

Is it mandatory to be recognized as a disabled worker to benefit from Agefiph’s support?

Yes, it is necessary to be recognized as a disabled worker by the MDPH in order to benefit from Agefiph’s support for the creation of your business.

How can I submit an application for assistance to Agefiph?

Simply contact Agefiph to obtain the necessary information to submit an application for assistance. You will then be supported in all stages of creating your business.

In conclusion, starting a business with a disability may seem like a daunting challenge, but with the support of Agefiph, it is a feasible project. Thanks to their financial and technical support, entrepreneurs with disabilities can embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship with peace of mind. A great opportunity for these individuals to fulfill their dream and thrive professionally.

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