AGEFIPH: a precious support for entrepreneurs with disabilities.

aide à la création d’entreprise agefiph

AGEFIPH: a valuable support for entrepreneurs with disabilities

Starting a business is a challenge for any entrepreneur, but it can be even more complex for people with disabilities. Fortunately, AGEFIPH (Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of People with Disabilities) is there to support and assist them in their entrepreneurial projects.

What is AGEFIPH?

Established in 1987, AGEFIPH is a joint organization whose mission is to promote the professional integration of people with disabilities. It intervenes in various fields, including entrepreneurship, by providing financial and technical support to disabled entrepreneurs.

Thanks to AGEFIPH, entrepreneurs with disabilities can benefit from financial assistance, specific training, personalized support, and advice to develop their business. The goal is to enable them to create and sustain their business under the best conditions.

The assistance offered by AGEFIPH for entrepreneurs with disabilities

AGEFIPH offers a range of assistance and services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs with disabilities. Among the main available aids, we can mention:

– Startup assistance: to finance expenses related to the establishment of the business (training costs, installation, equipment, etc.)
– Follow-up assistance: to support the entrepreneur in the development of their business and in managing their disability on a daily basis
– Recruitment assistance: to facilitate the hiring of employees with disabilities
– Specific training: to acquire the skills necessary to manage a business

These aids are accessible under certain conditions and can be combined with other business creation support schemes.

The benefits of AGEFIPH support

Calling on AGEFIPH to start a business with a disability has many advantages. In addition to financial and technical support, entrepreneurs benefit from personalized support by professionals specializing in the professional integration of people with disabilities.

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Thanks to this support, project holders can receive valuable advice to overcome the obstacles related to their disability and develop their business under the best conditions. AGEFIPH also implements awareness and prevention actions to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the business world.

FAQ: answers to your questions about AGEFIPH

1. How to apply for assistance from AGEFIPH for starting a business?

To benefit from AGEFIPH’s aid, simply contact the organization by phone or email and present your entrepreneurial project with a disability. An advisor will review your request and guide you towards the aids most suited to your needs.

2. What are the eligibility criteria to benefit from AGEFIPH’s aids?

The eligibility criteria vary depending on the aids requested, but generally, one must have a disability recognized by the MDPH (Departmental House for Disabled Persons) and have a viable and feasible business creation project.

3. How long does it take to receive a response from AGEFIPH regarding aid requests?

The processing time for requests varies depending on the project’s complexity and the volume of requests in progress. On average, it takes a few weeks to receive a response from AGEFIPH regarding aid requests.

In conclusion, AGEFIPH is a valuable support for entrepreneurs with disabilities, offering them financial, technical, and human support to realize their entrepreneurial project. Through its assistance and personalized support, AGEFIPH contributes to promoting the professional integration of people with disabilities and inclusive entrepreneurship.

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